Congratulation 22nd Anniversary of Somaliland Independance Day.

My fellow Somalilanders, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations and well-wishes to all of you on this historic and remarkable day. Today, we are marking the 22nd anniversary of our hard-earned independence, and it is also the glorious day that we reduced the former dictatorial, tyrannous and brutal regime to rubble and ruin. It is the day in which we proclaimed an end to the atrocities, massacres and ethnic-cleansing inflicted upon our noble people. It's the day that the bombardment of our cities and the shelling of our towns and villages has been brought to a halt. It is the day that our mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers breathed a huge sigh of relieve and started their recovery from unspeakable horrors and worrisome woes.

The international community has been nonchalant to our chastisement in the past and indifferent to our great success story at the present time. However, little did we expect assistance from anyone during our days of struggle and hardship, and we certainly don't care about what anyone thinks about our success now. We should grasp one simple fact: respect, recognition and acknowledgement of one's accomplishment is never a given; it must be EARNED.

To the people Somaliland, I say to you that you that your nation has come of age and your fledgling democracy is thriving and has become a beacon of hope for the troubled Horn. Be thankful and grateful for everything that you have, and be prepared to die on the line of duty once again to deter any aggressor or safeguard our sovereignty.


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