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Showing posts from March, 2023

Making peace after the civil war in the Sool region

  By. Yusuf (Seer) Civil wars are frequently fueled by enduring political, social, and economic problems, making them complicated and varied. It can therefore be difficult to bring about long-term peace in a Sool region that has been torn apart by civil war. Generally speaking, the following actions can be implemented to encourage peace in a Laascanood region that has been devastated by civil war: 1. Negotiations: Talks between parties in conflict are frequently the first step toward achieving peace. These discussions may take place in-person between the leaders or through mediation by an impartial third party. 2. Compromise: A peaceful resolution requires a willingness on the part of both parties to make concessions. Concessions on matters like resource distribution, power sharing, or security arrangements may be necessary. 3. Disarmament: It might be necessary for both sides to disarm and demobilize their armed forces in order to lower the likelihood of new violence. 4. Transition

The function of the legislature in promoting security and peace in Somaliland

By. Yusuf (Seer) The promotion of peace and security is mostly the responsibility of parliaments. The ability to enact laws and policies that advance peace and security rests with legislators, who also have the authority to hold the executive branch responsible for its peace- and security-related acts. Monitoring the security sector is one of the main ways that parliament contributes to peace and security. This comprises the armed forces, law enforcement, and intelligence services. It is the duty of legislators to make sure that these organizations uphold the rule of law, respect human rights, and answer to the general public. Holding hearings, carrying out investigations, and adopting legislation that lays out precise standards for how these organizations should operate are some examples of this monitoring. Parliamentarians can contribute to peace and security by using diplomacy in addition to their monitoring responsibilities. A lot of parliamentary bodies have diplomatic and peace-b

Exploring the Impact of Traditional Leadership on War and Conflict in the Modern Era

By: Yusuf (Seer) Traditional leadership has played a significant role in shaping the outcomes of wars and conflicts throughout history. In the modern era, the impact of traditional leadership on war and conflict still remains a relevant topic of discussion. While traditional leadership can bring about stability and order in times of conflict, it can also lead to the perpetuation of violence and the entrenchment of power dynamics that fuel conflicts. One of the key ways in which traditional leadership impacts war and conflict is through the use of tribal or clan allegiances. In many parts of the world, traditional leaders are seen as the ultimate authority in their communities, and their word is often seen as law. This can lead to tribal or clan allegiances being used to mobilize people for war or to reinforce existing power structures. This can lead to factionalism, with traditional leaders competing for power and resources, and can make peace negotiations more challenging. Another way