The function of the legislature in promoting security and peace in Somaliland

By. Yusuf Habiib Hussein (Seer)

Basically, the promotion of peace and security is a matter that lies majorly in the hands of parliaments. Legislators are thus empowered to enact laws and policies that advance peace and security, and hold the executive liable for its acts associated with peace and security.

This is one of the major ways through which parliament contributes to peace and security. These include the armed forces, police, and intelligence services. It falls upon parliamentarians to ensure such agencies observe the rule of law, do not violate human rights, and are responsive to the people. Such work may involve hearings, investigations, legislation that spells out in detail norms on what these agencies should and should not do.

Such monitoring work aside, parliamentarians can have a further role in contributing to peace and security through the use of diplomacy. Most parliamentary organizations have international relations committees committed to diplomacy and peacebuilding. Such a role might include hosting and participating in peace negotiations between international parties, receiving diplomatic envoys, including visiting ones who will offer whatever is possible in peacebuilding support from the outside through various forms of support.

The other important way parliament can promote peace and security is through the enactment of legislation and policies that address the root causes of conflict. This may include laws promoting social and economic development, protection of human rights, and addressing issues such as inequality and poverty. By solving some of these fundamental issues, parliamentarians will be able to contribute to conflict prevention and longer-term peace and security.

it is also the role of the lawmakers to advance safety and security. Parliamentarians can also undertake conflict deterrence and longer-term peacemaking and security at the national and international levels through oversight, diplomacy, and the development of legislation and policy to address the root causes of conflict.


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