The World Without Qatar
By Thierry Meyssan
July 18, 2013 "Information
Clearing House
The sudden political
withdrawal of Qatar from the international scene was
followed, a week later, by the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi in
Egypt. Although these two events coincided, without cause
and effect, their occurrence has radically changed the
future of the Arab world.
two weeks, the Muslim Brotherhood, to which Washington was
promising the leadership of the Arab world, have lost two of
their main levers of power. Emir Hamad Al-Thani of Qatar was
forced to abdicate on June 25th and with him his mentor and
Prime Minister, HBJ. On July 3rd, President Mohamed Morsi
was toppled by the Egyptian Army, while warrants were soon
issued for the arrest of the main figures of the Egyptian
movement, including the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood,
Mohammed Badie.It does not appear that, in pushing Emir
Hamad towards the exit, Washington had anticipated another
regime change in Egypt. The United States, which did not
tolerate its political and financial shenanigans, decided to
relegate Qatar to its rightful place as a micro-state.
Washington did not question the assistance provided by the
Emir to the Muslim Brotherhood, nor their role in Cairo,
just the flamboyance of the emirate.
The role of the
In any
case, the unexpected legal accession of the Brotherhood to
power in Egypt, in June of 2012, foreshadowed the real
purpose of the “Arab Spring“: to usher in a new era of
colonization based on the secret deal between the Brothers,
the United States and Israel. For the Brotherhood, the
forced Islamization of North Africa and the Levant; for
Washington, economic globalization, including massive
privatization; and for Tel Aviv, the continuation of the
separate Camp David peace.
It is
important to understand that, as a consequence, “The
Brotherhood has become the spearhead of Arab Zionism“, in
the words of Lebanese thinker Hassan Hamade. This is
confirmed, in his own way, by the “spiritual adviser” of
Qatar’s Al-Jazeera, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, when he
preaches that if Muhammad were alive today, he would live in
peace with the Israelis and he would support NATO.
The ideology of the
stance was facilitated by the structure of the Muslim
Brotherhood. Although it is coordinated internationally, the
Brotherhood does not consist of a single organization, but
of a multitude of distinct groups. In addition, there are
different levels of membership, each with its own ideology.
However, all rally around the same motto: “Allah is our
goal, the Koran is our law, the Prophet our leader, Jihad
our way and martyrdom our highest hope.” In addition, they
all adhere to the teachings of Hassan al-Banna (1906-1949)
and Said Qutb (1906-1966).
facto, the Brotherhood is the matrix of all the Salafist
movements (i.e., trying to emulate the companions of the
Prophet) and Takfirist groups (i.e., fighting against the
apostates) working with the CIA. Thus Ayman al-Zawahari,
current leader of al-Qaeda, emerged from their ranks. A
loyal U.S. agent, he instigated Hosni Mubarak’s ascendance
to power by organizing the assassination of Anwar Sadat. He
has now become the spiritual leader of the Syrian Contras.
Brotherhood has always been a minority in all countries
where it has developed, including in Egypt, where it owes
its election victory at the polls solely to a boycot by two
thirds of the population. It has therefore fomented, against
dictatorships, all kinds of armed groups who tried to seize
power by force or dissimulation. What characterizes its
behavior is its creed that “The end justifies the means.”
Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish within its
ideological evolution, that which is authentic from that
which springs from political seduction. Specifically, the
Egyptian case showed that its democratic evolution was pure
facade, just for the time of an election.
all —although initially a movement to fight against British
imperialism— it came immediately into conflict with Arab
nationalism, the main opponent of imperialism in the region.
Understanding the use they could make of the Brothers, the
British experts in handling sects, far from eliminating
them, penetrated and sustained them to fight against the
nationalists. Today still, the international coordination of
the Brothers is based in London.
“Arab Spring” (since December, 2010) is basically a revival
of the old Franco-British “Arab Revolt” strategy against the
Ottomans (1916-1918). Except this time, the goal was not to
put pseudo-independent puppets in the place of the old
Ottoman administration, but to replace worn-out allies with
virgin and globalization-friendly puppets.
Qatar’s strategic
the team change in Qatar, money stopped flowing freely to
the Brothers, whether in Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Libya or
elsewhere. The emirate is focusing on its domestic ambitions
and plans to spend $ 200 billion to prepare for the World
Cup in five years.
sudden disappearance from the international scene has left
the field open to the Saudis and Emiratis, both of which
rushed in to support the new Egyptian regime.
On the
other hand, the rivalry between Qatar and Saudi Arabia has
led Iran to support Mohamed Morsi in Egypt while supporting
Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Thus, Tehran found itself having
more affinity with the Egyptian Brotherhood Project “to
Islamize society” than with that of the Nasserists to
liberate Palestine from colonial occupation.
Ultimately, the withdrawal of Qatar implies a rebalancing of
forces in the Anglo-American world. Subsequently, the
control commissions of the secret services of the United
States Congress and of the British House of Commons opposed
the sending of arms to the “rebels” in Syria.
fall of the Muslim Brotherhood is not only a failure of the
Brotherhood, but also a failure of those in London and
Washington who thought they could reshape North Africa and
the Middle East, and, failing that, prefer to allow chaos to
reign rather than lose control.
Roger Lagassé
Roger Lagassé
Thierry Meyssan: French intellectual, founder and chairman
of Voltaire Network and the Axis for Peace Conference. His
columns specializing in international relations feature in
daily newspapers and weekly magazines in Arabic, Spanish and
Russian. His last two books published in English : 9/11 the
Big Lie and Pentagate.
This article was originally published at
Voltaire Network
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