The End of OPEC
Forty years after the Arab oil embargo, new technologies are
dramatically reshaping the geopolitics of the Middle East.
October 18, 2013- "FP"- Forty years have passed since the Arab oil embargo went into effect on Oct. 16, 1973, triggering a period of incredible change and turmoil. After the United States provided support to Israel during the Yom Kippur War, a cartel of developing-world countries (via the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC) banned the sale of their oil to Israel's allies and thereby set in motion geopolitical circumstances that eventually allowed them to wrest control over global oil production and pricing from the giant international oil companies -- ushering in an era of significantly higher oil prices. The event was hailed at the time as the first major victory of "Third World" powers to bring the West to its knees. Designed in part to bring Arab populations their due after decades of colonialism, the embargo opened the floodgates for an unprecedented transfer of wealth out of America and Europe to the Middle East. Overnight, the largest segment of the global economy, the oil market, became politicized as never before in history.
October 18, 2013- "FP"- Forty years have passed since the Arab oil embargo went into effect on Oct. 16, 1973, triggering a period of incredible change and turmoil. After the United States provided support to Israel during the Yom Kippur War, a cartel of developing-world countries (via the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC) banned the sale of their oil to Israel's allies and thereby set in motion geopolitical circumstances that eventually allowed them to wrest control over global oil production and pricing from the giant international oil companies -- ushering in an era of significantly higher oil prices. The event was hailed at the time as the first major victory of "Third World" powers to bring the West to its knees. Designed in part to bring Arab populations their due after decades of colonialism, the embargo opened the floodgates for an unprecedented transfer of wealth out of America and Europe to the Middle East. Overnight, the largest segment of the global economy, the oil market, became politicized as never before in history.
But four
decades later, the shoe may finally be on the other foot. Now,
on the 40th anniversary of the 1973 embargo, the United States
has a historic opportunity to lead a counterrevolution against
the energy world created by OPEC as innovation in the U.S.
energy industry looks poised to end the decades-long, precarious
"dependence on foreign oil." Washington should seize the
opportunity and push to democratize energy globally, just as its
Silicon Valley giants have democratized information.
In the
run-up to 1973, two-thirds of global ownership of oil moved from
the private sector of American and European companies to
public-sector national oil companies. Rather than let the forces
of supply and demand determine prices, post-1973, the
lowest-cost oil producers, such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran,
artificially shut production and discouraged capital investment,
creating a lasting wedge of rents or financial profitability
that market conditions never warranted. (Today, oil prices in
real terms are more than four times higher than in 1972.)
A massive industrial restructuring occurred over the course of a
half-decade, as state-owned enterprises, with limited
project-management skills and bloated workforces, surpassed the
oil majors like Chevron and Shell in both capitalization and
The 1970s
witnessed a profound and unprecedented transfer of wealth to the
Middle East that continues to have significant repercussions
today -- from democracy movements to terrorism to civil wars.
The region's leaders failed to set up long-term mechanisms
to distribute the benefits of that wealth transfer broadly to
their populations and to establish an equitable stake in
governance of resource proceeds that would have brought a
newfound stability to the region. Instead, they bought lavishly,
gilding their palaces and buying fleets of luxury autos. For
decades, they squandered the opportunity to use oil wealth to
modernize their societies and train their populations for future
global economic competition. The result -- unfolding not just in
the Middle East but in other oil-producing countries as well --
is a crisis of governance that is itself triggering a round of
oil-supply disruptions.
petrodollar inflows brought with them a
new political paradigm of "rentier" patronage, characterized
by financial excesses, corruption, repression, and billions of
dollars in accumulated weapons purchases. Populations of
oil-producing states, for the most part, are little better off
today than in 1973. Many of the countries have been war-ravaged
or riven by sectarian hatreds. And, even with decades of
relatively high oil prices and associated worker remittances,
most countries of the Middle East still see
modest GDP per capita, below $30,000 person on a
purchasing-power-parity basis.
income inequality means that much of the region's population is
in fact still living in poverty, even in places like Saudi
Arabia. So it should be no surprise that 40 years after the 1973
embargo, citizens of the region are rising up against those who
squandered their futures. Tired of waiting for the day when
rising oil revenues would somehow magically bring back the
promise of prosperity,
youth are taking to the
port and oil workers are
mounting strikes; and jihadists are taking up arms to end
the oil curse once and for all. Their frustrations do not unfold
in a vacuum. High oil prices associated with all this unrest is
propelling energy investment elsewhere to great success. Energy
efficiency is also getting a boost, shrinking the long-term
market for Middle East oil. The upshot will be that it
will be harder and harder over time for Arab rulers to count on
oil money to keep them in power. And that has a trickle-down
effect to the populations they've been keeping quiescent with
handouts for decades.
Ironically, just when political revolutions were gaining
momentum across the Middle East, a different kind of revolution
was emerging that looks likely to bring a new epoch of
dislocation and distortion to prevailing oil and gas structures.
This second energy revolution is also ameliorating the impact of
the first.
January 2011, at the dawn of the rebellions against dictatorial
governments in North Africa, the amount of oil "offline" or
being blocked from production by either domestic turmoil (in
Iraq, Nigeria, Sudan, Syria, Yemen) or international sanctions
(in Iran) has generally been above 2 million barrels per day (m
b/d), four times the average level of supply outages before the
so-called Arab Spring. Then Libya erupted once again this past
summer, taking another 1.2 m b/d, or more, offline. But the
impact of these disruptions has been relatively mild, given that
over the same period, production in North America, the heartland
of the three revolutionary changes in unconventional hydrocarbon
production (shale, deep water, and oil sands), has grown by more
than 2.5 m b/d. And more is on the way.
Growth in
renewable energy
has also been significant in recent years in the United
States and beyond, and rising fossil fuel costs and strong
government intervention have created new market opportunities.
World biofuels production has doubled to over 1.2 m b/d since
2006, but wind power has grown in oil-equivalent terms from 1 m
b/d to 2 m b/d since 2008 (and is accelerating at about a 20
percent annualized clip). Solar power, meanwhile, grew from
20,000 b/d of oil-equivalent energy in 2008 to 400,000
b/d last year.
But the
impact of all this change in the energy world will go far beyond
just replacing continuing Arab Spring outages. Unconventional
oil and gas and the clean-tech booms are spawning a host of new,
smaller oil and gas exploration companies committed to
innovation and willing to take on risk. They have no stake in
the multibillion-dollar megaproject world of the international
majors and national oil companies, and as such, they have fewer
concerns about sustaining high profits from giant assets found
decades ago. They are enabling the United States the opportunity
to take a lead in changing the way energy is bought and sold --
not just in the United States, but globally.
innovation is taking many forms in the United States, creating
major export opportunities and giving Washington the tools it
needs to ensure that the conditions of a 1973-style oil embargo
will not repeat themselves. The oil embargo was so devastating
because strong economic growth throughout the 1960s had taken up
the margin of spare oil-productive capacity in the United States
and across the world, leaving the Middle East's oil producers
with undue monopoly power. Similar razor-thin extra productive
capacity left markets highly vulnerable in 2006 and 2007, when
OPEC made contraseasonal cuts in output to increase prices,
instead of considering the risks to global economic growth. But
as oil and gas production from U.S. and Canadian shale
formations rises, the ability of oil producers like Russia to
use an "energy weapon" to gain extra benefits from consuming
countries is diminishing.
innovation in alternative fuels (including natural gas-vehicle
fueling technology and electric vehicles), energy-efficiency
technologies, battery storage, and smart-grid solutions, working
together with and complementing the supply surge in
unconventional oil and gas, should also change the face of
demand, giving consumers around the world more freedom of
choice. And as the United States becomes an energy exporter --
at competitive prices -- that should seal the deal. By providing
ready alternatives to politicized energy supplies, the United
States can use its influence to democratize global energy
markets, much the way smartphone and social media technologies
have ended the lock on information and communications by
repressive governments and large multinational or state-run
U.S. natural gas is just the first step. Booming domestic
natural gas supplies have already displaced and defanged
Russia's and Iran's grip on natural gas buyers. By significantly
reducing American domestic requirements for imported liquefied
natural gas (LNG), rising U.S. shale gas production has had the
knock-on effect of increasing alternative LNG supplies to
Europe, breaking down fixed pricing from entrenched monopolies.
But this is just the beginning: Over the coming decade, the
United States looks likely to overtake Russia and rival Qatar as
a leading supplier of natural gas to international markets.
geopolitical role of U.S. natural gas surpluses in constraining
Russia's ability to use its energy as a wedge between the United
States and its European and Asian allies should strengthen over
time, to the extent that Barack Obama's administration stays the
course with approving the construction of LNG export terminals.
American unconventional oil and gas plays from Texas to
Pennsylvania are also generating
new surpluses of natural gas liquids, which are increasingly
exported as transportation fuel or petrochemical feedstock to
Europe, Asia, and elsewhere -- reducing demand growth for oil
from the Middle East. And U.S. crude oil exports might also be
possible some day, strengthening America's lead in
market-related pricing for kingpin crude oil, much the way
rising North Sea production did in the 1980s.
As an
increasing number of companies and investors flock to North
America to develop prolific unconventional resources, Middle
East heavyweights like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iran are losing
their lock on remaining exploitable reserves, reducing their
ability to band together and create artificial shortages.
Already, Mexico and Argentina are reading the tea leaves and
reversing protectionist resource nationalism policies, instead
pushing through reforms to attract capital investment to their
U.S. natural gas is also spawning new American-designed engine
and modular fueling station technologies to readily use natural
gas as a fuel in trucks, trains, and ships, ending oil's
monopoly in transport. Some 40 m b/d of the global 85 m b/d oil
market is
open for competition from natural gas -- in the form of
compressed natural gas for cars and buses, and LNG for
heavy-duty vehicles and marine transportation. We conservatively
expect at least 2 m b/d of currently projected oil demand to
cede to natural gas by 2020, further weakening perspectives on
future global oil-demand growth and once again chipping away at
Middle Eastern influence.
innovation and exports of energy supply and technology will open
global energy markets to competitive investments and consumer
choice. But Washington needs to embrace this choice by resisting
the call to continue to ban energy exports to protect vested
business interests or for resource nationalistic reasons.
Indeed, we need to reverse the mindset of the oil embargo years
-- a mindset of supply shortages and husbanding of resources --
and move back to a more traditional promotion of free markets.
The energy sector has done this in the trade of petroleum
products, where the United States is simultaneously the world's
largest importer and exporter. The United States is heading in
this same direction for trade in natural gas, whether by
pipeline to Mexico and eastern Canada or the export of LNG. And
it should move in the same direction with crude oil exports as
pressures mount from growing surpluses midcontinent and on the
U.S. Gulf Coast.
expanding wind and solar businesses in California and Texas are
encouraging new complementary battery-storage options and
smarter networks, laying the groundwork for greater consumer
choice and control. The move to distributed energy, right now
focused mainly on affluent customers who can afford private
backup generation, may spread to broader applications. Some day
soon, it will enable increased remote energy solutions for
villages in sub-Saharan Africa or Southeast Asia.
The U.S.
government needs to support the reform of the electricity
utilities to enable this transition, which will entail
more-efficient technologies, locally produced and distributed
generation, time-of-day pricing and peak-demand shaving. Such
reforms are critical to the integration of renewable energy
whose output varies widely over the course of a day. By leading
the charge to these new energy technologies, the United States
can fashion a global energy world more to its liking, where
petropowers can no longer hold car owners hostage or turn off
the heat and lights to millions of consumers to further
geopolitical ends.
Just as it
was difficult to predict the impact of Apple computers on future
global social trends, it may now seem hard to depict the exact
time and place that America's unconventional resources and
smart-grid innovation will democratize energy markets. But Apple
did reset the way we think about computing and changed the
world. Similarly, the dislocations currently unfolding in the
energy sector are pointing to markets taking back pride of place
over government control and consumer choice winning over
supplier monopolies. The pace of change may be slow in coming at
first, but eventually it will be no less stunning than Oct. 16,
1973, a day that sent shock waves into the global economy, the
ripples of which are still visible today.
©2013 The
Foreign Policy Group
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