Somalia: Planning for the Future
Mark T Jones
February 16, 2014
Across the Somali territories we have witnessed a raft of construction projects of late. Whilst such activity testifies to a gradual return to normality, the speed and nature of the development raises some fundamental questions. In all post-conflict economies there is an initial. During this period, it is imperative that there is focus on winning the peace, just as there has been in winning the war. Those
familiar with the region are well aware that the elements intent on
using violence to achieve their ends have not been totally defeated, but
have been dispersed and are very much on the back foot. Psychologically
this has given a tremendous fillip to the business community and has
helped create an environment where investors feel sufficiently confident
to engage in commercial activity again. The international community has
also sought to bolster this situation and as a result locals and
returning members of the Diaspora see opportunities that previously
seemed non-existent.
Cities such as the likes of Hargeisa, Mogadishu and Berbera currently
exude entrepreneurial activity and as a consequence land prices are
spiralling ever upwards. The rate of new construction is rather alarming
as it allows precious little time for a coherent planning strategy, let
alone adequate regulations and safeguards that protect such cities from
the worse aspects of urban development. Already it is clear that little
or no thought is being given to preserving spaces for recreation,
regrettably a construction free-for-all has broken out that is seeing
land going to the highest bidder. Locals and friends of the region are
rightly concerned that there is a real danger that existing problems in regard to flooding, refuse,
sewage and land rights are being exacerbated and thus it is beholden on
both national and municipal authorities to be far more proactive, rather
than taking a detached or laissez-faire approach. Thankfully there are
some splendid African examples of good practice in this regard, the
finest being that of Rwanda, especially in regard to Kigali. The
approach in Kigali is both bold and enlightened. From the outset the
planners and the authorities have set great store in ensuring that there
is a co-ordinated approach to urban development, one based on genuine
consultation, a transparent bidding process and promotion on merit as
opposed to age or connections. Kigali has not been allowed to fall under
the tyrannical rule of the motor car, thankfully equal thought has been
given to pedestrians and their safety and convenience. In any town or
city green spaces are not merely about recreation, but about creating
micro-climates that help cherish local plants and trees that support
various wildlife as well as acting as natural filters for pollution and
dust. Rwanda has a zero-tolerance approach to litter and has been
extraordinarily successful in tackling the blight of discarded plastic
bags and bottles. In this age of recycling rather than viewing waste as a
problem, it has viewed the processing as an asset, with certain
products being recycled or converted into energy. Equal attention has
been paid to the nature of the cityscape, with a conscious decision
being made to use a blend of high rise structures and those on a more
human scale.
Somalis as the great entrepreneurs of Africa are often desirous to
demonstrate their modernity and their success. Whilst matt black, glass
and chrome structures may work for some, in reality it would make far
more sense if greater cognizance was taken of vernacular architectural
traditions. In view of the climate it is logical to focus on soft hues,
lattice work, natural ventilation and vegetation. Somalo-Islamic
architecture affords a wealth of styles that are distinctive, eminently
sensible and aesthetically in keeping with the landscape. In domestic
architecture the Arabesque influence encourages the use of open
courtyards featuring fountains, fruit trees and local shrubs and
flowers. It is heartening to hear that in Mogadishu people are beginning
to appreciate real plants and flowers as opposed to tawdry plastic
imitations. Sadly, some architects seem to have totally turned their
backs on local styles and traditions and are intent on creating
structures that are infinitely forgettable. The sensitive use of muted
colours can help enhance the built environment, especially when it comes
to development in costal locations, anyone familiar with Manarola in La
Spezia, Italy will appreciate how it colour can be used to marvellous
Mention of the distinctive nature of coastal settings underscores the
importance of providing appropriate safeguards to prevent unfettered
construction. Lessons need to be learnt from what has happened
elsewhere. Land must be set aside and protected for sport, recreation as
well as for conservation purposes. Enlightened and forward looking
leadership will ensure that there are statutory requirements for
Environment Impact Assessments (EIA) and that there is proper
transparency and effective communication with stakeholders. All
societies need to pay more attention to better energy efficiency and
water management, as well as disability access and better health and
safety practises across the construction sector. Things may be changing
rapidly, but Somalis will remain the intensely sociable and
entrepreneurial people they have always been. Towns and cities are
collections of communities and thus should be designed with this in
mind. Interaction and engagement helps foster greater understanding and
trust and therefore it is important that the trend towards gated
communities be kept to a absolute minimum.
With a spirit of optimism abroad across much of the Horn of Africa it
is vital that policy makers and planners look to the future and
approach things in a holistic manner. After years of trial and
tribulation the region requires not only peace, but the vision to move
forward in such a manner as to help create a healthy and harmonious
built environment, one that is conducive to investment and that
stimulates employment and opportunity. Whilst plenty of challenges
remain I believe that Somali determination, innovation and ingenuity can
win through if given half a chance.
Mark T Jones - Leadership Specialist
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