Mr. Professor, Everything Is Negotiable With Exception Of 18th May

Professor Samater, I beg your pardon for the liberty I am taking by approaching you in submitting these few lines for your kind consideration. Sir, honest to God I am one of those Somalilanders who highly appreciate your arrival back at home to participate in the renaissance and rebuilding that shattered beloved homeland. And I believe much that you are a valuable asset to Somaliland, locally and internationally that will enhance and intensify the motion power of the wheel and wagon of reconciliation, peace, progress, development and democratization of our young State that is encountered with many obstacles and hindrance.

But frankly speaking, lately I am not impressed by the first shot you strike towards the goal. Instead of narrowing the gap of difference and being the magnetic field to attract the expelling poles and regarded as a good – omen on the table of negotiation, you became a part of the dividing factors.

My dear Professor Mr. Samater, the presidency post, the prime minister, all key role cabinet ministers, the National Anthem and the flag. They are all negotiable and open for debate and discussion. But demeaning the blue blood and the beads of sweat of the SNM Tigers is un – negotiable. Period! They are all our own Che – Guevara, including you Mr. Professor.

Their holy War songs must be global and for all. It is not entitled to a particular ethnic group. Here, we must all Somalilanders sing their War – Song and say: Pack Up, Your Troubles, In Your Kit Bag, And Smile, Smile , Smile. This song must be Sung by All Somalilanders. Because any achievements done by some of us, is the achievement of all of us. Bear in mind that, when I see an enlightened and lettered man like you from Somaliland, I share you the pride and the prestige. Mr. Samater, please don’t misjudge me and see me as a radical obstinate figure that disregards peace and Co – Existence, or count me as a biased person suffering from unfairly prejudice that is against the Shia in the East or the Wahabist in the West.

I am a liberal man that has no inhibitions and who is ready for a reasonable and productive debate. I really mean it what I am saying.

To introduce myself to you, I am one of those few Somalilanders who regard it as unfair that always the President of Somaliland must be from the Sunni in the Central regions. Majority rules s phenomenon, hell with it. It doesn’t work here for me. Also I believe much that without the compromise and peace process of the Wahabist from the west and their mediation, even to solve the difference in between the Sunni communities, Somaliland couldn’t have secure where it stands right now. Owing to that Sir. To gain the satisfaction, love, trust and confidence of my country – mates and partners; I must sacrifice and bet with everything gold or dear. Our reconciliation and compromise is sacred, and it is my greatest concern that surpasses all other factors, with the exception of losing my identity as a Somalilander.

Above that, I hate to be dominated by somebody and at the same time I hate to dominate my country – mates. Hence, I have no objection if the presidential office must be enrolled in turns. Every four years, and one of the three ethnic groups must run and campaign among themselves for the presidency, and later be voted by the whole population of Somaliland. More than that, I believe much that the late dictator’s regime Siyad Bare was not entitled to a particular tribe. The Sunni elements in that System were among the most notorious and horrible personalities. And if the reconciliation was not a false slogans.

The amnesty, pardon and forgiveness must be extended to all Somalilanders and war criminals of all ethnicity. Defectors of other tribes like Ahmed Suleiman Daffle are no exceptional and they are liable to come back home if they are willing so, as the same defectors from the Sunni did. Mr. professor, although my Equation is contrary to yours. I believe much that criticism may not be agreeable but it is a must and necessary among civilized people .

Instead of shooting each other like the Evil – Empire in Mogadishu, we must shout at each other peacefully. Moreover, 26th June independence day resulted the union with the Italian Mafia in Mogadishu, which generated nothing, but swimming pools of cold blood, masses – graves, mass – murders, torture, corruption and rape done by all ethnic groups in that System; but headed by those notorious criminals from Mogadishu. Owing to that, 26th June was a barren, virgin girl that turned to be fruitless for the Somalilanders. In addition to that, in 1960 we, as Somalilanders, we didn’t put that much effort to achieve independence and to free our land from the colonial rule.

We just threw some fragments of stones at the British Empire and it wrapped it’s flag. The real war of independence was that persistent struggle and that holy will – power of the SNM to face and challenge that system with iron – guts.

Challenging the third strongest War – Arsenal and Mechanism in Africa at that time. Liberating Somaliland from the shackles of slavery and humiliation extorted by that nihilistic Regime of Siyad Bare, which rejected all democracy initiatives, moral values and religious principles.

Mr. Professor, truth is God Mr. Mahatma Gandhi said. Give the Devil his due. The SNM fighters are the pioneers of the peace of mind and tranquility that we all indulging right now. They are the emblem of freedom and democracy for all of us. It is not fair to give them a bad – turn and discredit those good samaritan sacrifice and patriotism. As an SNM fans, we are willing to give you an open Cheque for all your demands of power – Sharing to gain the love and trust of you and all the Shia and Wahabist communities.

But there is no way or any approach acceptable to demean and degrade the SNM’s just and fair armed struggle and it’s legitimate sacrifice. The Nile is Egypt and Egypt is the Nile. The first lesson I got during the study of my teaching career in the teaching methods and techniques was. ” Woe to him who teaches the people more than they can understand”.

My beloved professor Mr. Samater, Psychologists usually define Superiority Complex as a direct result of an underlying Inferiority Complex. Because when a person suffers from feelings of Inferiority, he compensates for egotism, imposter syndrome and megalomania. That Superiority Complex attitude is held by the majority of the Americans.

It is a Psychological Disorder in which a person’s feelings of Superiority counter or conceal his or her feelings of Inferiority. Superiority and Inferiority Complexes are often found together as the different expressions of the same pathology and the two Complexes can exist within the same person ( Citation- needed ). It is preferable not to feed their Ego. Be very confident and self – assured. Do not be the victim, as you will feed their disorder. Or just try to avoid confronting them. So now, let me specify my point of view by saying. Without pointing my finger to a particular ethnic group. If my brothers on the East and the West or the Sunni majority have one of those Complexes.

Mr. Samater, as an enlightened and lettered professor , you are supposedly regarded as the Liaison – Officer liable to act as a mediator and bring on the conference – table, some agreeable solutions and initiatives to make possible the expelling poles to attract each other again, and open the dialogue of compromise for the different functions. Instead of being the bridge of compromise and reconciliation; you led us to the bridge of nowhere. Leading the steering wheel of the Caravan to the Tug – Of – War.

Hence you will lose the trust and confidence of both sides. Introducing and promoting new other dividing factors and ushering to the points of conflict. I say that because, before your arrival our differences was not 18th May. People were complaining about power – sharing and their piece of the big pie. It was a just and a valid legitimate cause. But now you have opened the paradox – box and you have added fuel to the fire.

Mr. Samater, we want what binds not what divides us. Instead of being a neutral and impartial third party; you framed yourself as a third party of the conflict. Hence you will lose the confidence and trust of all opposing functions. You did the same mistake Mr. Jamal Cali Hussein did. Instead of starting from the scratch and introducing himself and first to be familiar with the reality on the ground and the public, especially by the young generation. He applied immediately and started to steer with the helm of the ship. Mr. Samater, I wish if you could embrace the brotherly golden advice of the veteran, Dr. Mohamoud Tani.

Bear in mind that demeaning the SNM fighter’s sacrifice and endeavor, means to me and to many others, losing my Identity as a Somalilander.

Mr. Professor, I firmly apologise if I have offended you without my concern.

This country is yours, this country is mine, this country is for you and me.

Yusuf Deyr, Toronto



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