Taking a Stand Against Corruption

By: Yusuf Habiib Hussein (Seer)

Corruption may be described as an act of bribery or any other malfeasance in public office for personal gain. It may be in the form of kickbacks coming from corporate bodies or an exercise of governmental powers aimed to influence decisions either for or against some persons or parties. Corruption extends beyond the realm of legality and may cause individual harm to individuals and the populace as a whole. Inequality could result and civil liberties may be thrown into disarray. It's estimated that over $2 trillion dollars change hands through corrupt means yearly in the world.

The effects of corrupt behavior vary in the degree of impact on the lives of people in different parts of the world. From eroding civil liberties to executives in positions of power acting malevolently, a wide range of adverse implications of corruption abound. The negative impacts go far beyond financial loss and can result in drastic rises in inequality between classes, ethnicities, genders, and more.

You can try outing local leaders and figureheads in positions of power if you want to make a difference when it comes to fighting for justice. You need to stand up to authorities and opposition, talking your voice out loud. It is critical to fight tooth and nail to attain the outcome that you want. People have that amazing capacity to create meaningful change. These causes can be peacefully executed and the remedies can go up to the extent required. It has to be done through a setting aside of their differences and realization of the importance of the collective whole.

Setting away views of Individualism can help us pursue the betterment of society as a unit in itself. Integrity and democracy at all costs are the binding fabric of cohesive units, and this is stronger glued together rather than torn apart. It is possible to successfully take back authority and ameliorate conditions, but it is a time-consuming process that requires a bit of courage and luck. The motivation has to be selfless and constructive in nature. A well-organized campaign with universal fundamental values and ideals can benefit society as a whole and result in a better future.

After all, corruption is to be averted, uprooted, and punished with an iron hand. The preparation must be for a long-run better dawn of future. The first initial step is about ending corruption, which needs to be collectively done. By doing this, we can ensure farewell to oppressive environments and welcome free and fair societies everywhere.


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