Somali Foreign Policy: Here, there and everywhere.
by Liban Obsiye
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
What made him think he was an Arab some asked? Another, a Nigerian
teacher in London, hastily put down the Somali leader and his entourage,
including the Foreign Minister’s presence at a Pan Arab gathering to
the belief that Somalis have always felt “superior” to their brothers in
the continent and have aligned themselves with Arab interests over
African ones. Been one of two Somalis at the event and alone in my
respect and admiration for the nation, any rational argument I put
forward would have been to no avail. So I found many polite reasons to
quietly leave.
The idea that Somalis feel more Arab than African is open to debate.
What is not though is the fact that Somalis are of mixed heritage and
many of them have strong links to the Arab peninsula and Arab nations as
a whole. One of the primary reasons why Somalia first sought an
alliance with the Muslim Arabic states was the way it’s so called
African brothers, ironically hell bent on promoting pan Africanism,
treated it after independence. Rather than welcoming Somalia with open
arms, African states that had gained independence earlier like Ghana and
Tanzania sidelined Somalia and openly preached hostility towards it in
favour of Ethiopia then governed by Emperor Haile Selassie which feared
Somali reunification with the Somali region of Ethiopia. Emperor Haile
Selassie and Adan Abdullah Osman (Caade), the first elected Somali
Presdient, argued over the Somali region for which Siad Barre later went
to war over. Joining the Arab league early on was a strategic foreign
policy decision on the part of the Somali government as it sidelined
hostile African neighouring states.
Even as a member of the African
Union the Somali governments of the past refused to sign the agreement
like Morocco which aimed to keep African borders in line with the
colonial maps as it favoured Ethiopia over Somalia. The very hostile
beginning they experienced at birth as an independent nation is
something the Somali people have not forgotten and one of the main
reasons why they still vehemently distrust the African Union, Ethiopia
and other neighbouring states today.
Somalia before the war enjoyed many global economic, political and
social ties with most of the nations of the world that matter today such
as Russia, America and the European Union member states such as Italy.
Siad Barre, the last Somali leader before the outbreak of the civil war,
was infamous for his promiscuous political alliances to bolster Somalia
interests. He went from the dollar hugging capitalist to the image of
Lenin himself in the embracing of the communist ideals that brought him
head to head with the West and the religious leaders at home which he
tortured and murdered when they refused to abandon the holy Koran for
the Communist Manifesto. He was an African nationalist, a Muslim Arab
brother and a global Socialist citizen. Despite all these contradictions
under Siad Barre, Somalis still take comfort from the fact that at
least then they mattered enough to have a position which super powers
such as Russia and America attempted to exploit during the cold war with
aid, trade and educational and cultural exchange.
The damage of foreign policy disasters such as the attacking the
Somalia Ogaden region of Ethiopia in 1977 which eventually led to the
Somali army defeat when Siad Barre’s earlier Socialist allies Russia and
Cuba switched sides and supported Ethiopia were mitigated by the
immediate American support that followed in 1978. However, today after
many decades of temporary governments, led disastrously from Mogadishu
through some of the most intense infighting the world has ever witnessed
and the fragmentation of the Somali nation into tribal fiefdoms, Hassan
Sheikh’s government has a greater mountain to climb as the first
legitimate government of Somalia since the fall of Siad Barre.
The foreign policy of Somalia is not one it can shape on its own and
the many visits of the Somali President and his key team abroad is the
obvious indication of this. There have been early successes such as been
the first Somali government to be recognised by the American
administration since the collapse of the Somali State and hence the
Liberal West as a whole, especially the UK where two major conferences
have been held for Somalia so far. Hassan Sheikh and his friends have
been welcomed in Washington, Brussels by the European Union and in Qatar
and Kuwait by influential game changer nations which Somalia needs
support from in all its forms to develop and progress. At all the events
Hassan Sheikh and his government Ministers did themselves proud but
there was always the realization that if anything can hurt the
bourgeoning image of Somalia in the international community’s eyes, it
was its own internal politics, insecurity and inability to convert
foreign gains into home advantages.
All nations with strong Foreign policy presence in an age of
interdependence and globalisation are economically, politically and
socially very strong and self-assured at home. China, Russia, Brazil and
even Saudi Arabia are challenging the old established order. This is
possible for them because of their vastly improved economic might,
internal cohesion and regional influence. Somalia might never be like
any of these nations but there is much to learn from their history and
development journeys especially when it comes to nation building and
engaging with the wider world on their terms.
Somalia is at present aid dependent and the limited peace the capital
Mogadishu and the few areas controlled by the government enjoy are
sustained by African Union troops under the banner of AMISOM. Aid
agencies are the real institutions of government and providers of
essential public services. Foreign diplomats are on occasions, more
important than the President as they bank roll his administration.
However, even with this as the Somali reality today, a future can be
built where this is reversed. If this occurs, Somalia will be able to
determine a foreign policy of its own and determine its path in the
world. However, the question is, how can this be done in amidst the
misery of poverty, internal fragmentation, continual negative regional
interference and limited government and institutional capabilities?
Getting their house in order is the only hope Somalis have for a
better future free of foreign meddling which they despise so much. Due
to aid dependency, Somalia is pulled in different directions by donor
nations and the competition to be the most visible presence in Somalia
has escalated to the point where the ordinary Somali people have become
excluded from partaking in the reconstruction of their future. This is
dangerous and can be financially ruinous as development priorities are
been set by donor nations in distant lands without the input of those
they are meant to benefit directly.
The usual military, financial and regional presence that defines a
nation’s strength in International relations is something that Somalia
does not have. Even the ability to influence through soft power such as
culture, education, tourism and media is still missing and not in sight
for decades at the present rate regionally let alone globally. Somalia
is like an international orphan with no one parent wanting to adopt it
but is happily been brought up in a commune by many different foster
carers with different agendas. This is something that Somalis cannot
afford to look down on or feel too proud about. The balancing act to be
struck by Hassan Sheikh and the new Foreign Minister, Abdirahman Bayle,
is to successfully communicate to the public that this arrangement is
temporary and to work towards ensuring that it actually is.
A clear internal challenge that President Hassan Sheikh will face and
has already encountered is that even if it is not clearly written on
the aid package, there are always conditions of aid. The US and EU
prioritize good governance, Human Rights and Security whilst the Arab
States may be more forceful on the traditional Islamic values of the
Somali people been maintained. The long established and surviving Somali
institutions such as the mosques and tribes also have their own demands
which often contradict international donor goals and ambitions for the
country and region. This issue is Africa wide since the continent is
still aid dependent but what makes the need to strike a bargain between
such various stakeholders more crucial in Somalia is that civil war and
the resurgent AlShabaab, the violent, self-elected verifiers of the
Islamic religion and practices are always around the corner. The
headache for any Somali policy maker is that there is not the unity,
security and finances for self-determination and there is limited
appetite for international interference in many quarters of the Somali
population especially by neighbouring African countries such as
Ethiopia, Kenya and those who promote ideas which are the backbone of
modern diplomacy globally such as Human Right which they feel is an
encroachment on dominant and treasured Islamic values.
Many critical commentators and members of the public have pointed to
the weakness of the Somali government in their failure to stand up for
its citizens who are refugees and workers abused abroad in South Africa,
Kenya and unfairly expelled from Saudi Arabia recently. However, in the
absence of financial means, military capability and the opportunity to
resettle and offer better opportunities to their citizens at present,
all the Somali government could do was what it did: appeal to South
African leaders as African brothers and Saudi Arabia as Muslim brothers
who should treat their people better until such time as they can return
home safely.
The Diaspora which blow everything out of proportion whether good or
bad are a foreign policy blessing where they have achieved and settled
in their host nations and a curse where they have failed and all they
want to do is pressurize their government from the comfort of the
European Union Member states or actively jeopardize Somali national
unity and peace building by driving forward tribally motivated agendas
in international summits in the guise of an official opposition to
government. The political damage from this in America during President
Hassan Sheikh’s first ever visit was mitigated with his jokes and the
limited number of protestors outside the Hall where he spoke allowed for
this. However, a more organized larger Diaspora tribal opposition with
ulterior motives can dent any foreign policy aspirations if they are not
tackled and managed well with internal cohesion and understanding
within their tribal families in Somalia. If this does occur, the
Diaspora who are ethnically Somali but have adopted the nationality of
their host nation can be easily challenged even if they contribute
enormous amounts of Remittance to boost the Somali economy.
The Diaspora
for nations like the Israel, Philippines, India and South Korea have
been brilliant ambassadors and advocates for their nations and the
Somalis can be too. In order for this to happen there has to be Somali
government led organisation, initiatives and incentives which inspire
the Diaspora to lobby their host nation Parliamentarians, contribute
directly to positive change at home and promote cultural and economic
exchange. The Somali administration must think of constructing an
enormous web of links between responsible Diaspora groups, their
diplomatic representatives and the Somali state.
One of the key
obstacles to Diaspora unity is the 4.5 system of government itself as
this promotes tribalism and creates a false sense of competition for
resources, office and prestige. It may prove difficult, but addressing
this at home in the long term will promote a sense of national identity
among the Diaspora which then can turn its efforts from supporting their
local village or city to their nation. The international community does
not value tribes. In fact they see it as backwards. If those that feel
aggrieved in Somalia are deemed too small to be concerned about by
policy makers, their friends and colleagues abroad with excellent
political links will not when they bring the pressure of their host
nation down onto the Somali government. Every member of the Diaspora who
wants to promote their home nation abroad should be valued and led by
the Somali government irrespective of tribe otherwise they can become a
foreign policy disaster or danger.
Somalia is slowly improving and with every international summit,
conference and meeting the Somali government grows in confidence,
experience and strengthens its legitimacy abroad. What will make this
even better is if they communicated with their people more regularly
about their foreign trips, their achievements and how it fits into their
policies for development for the country. Somalia today needs all the
friends it can as it cannot afford another two decades in the political
wilderness. Whether they are Socialists, Liberals, Conservatives or
Islamists all of them have something to offer Somalia and hence Hassan
Sheikh needs to adopt a fluid identity to mix with them all.
what he should not forget in the process is the Somali people’s hopes,
aspirations and beliefs which should take centre stage in all meetings.
Indeed all meaningful foreign Policies start with good governance and
cohesion at home. With greater public engagement, institutional
listening and aid ownership and coordination, the peace, security and
regional integration Somalia needs to push its chest out in
international conferences can finally come. Where there are difficult
compromises to be made, and there will be many ideologically, dialogue,
debate, and internal understanding will be more important than ever as
international agreements can only be more valid at home this way. With
British, Japanese, US, EU, Qatari and Turkish support Somalia is already
doing well, but in order for Somalia to achieve its overall goals it
must diversify even further and seek alliances and friendships wherever
else it can.
The author welcomes feedback. Please contact him via the below means:
@LibanObsiye (Twitter)
@LibanObsiye (Twitter)
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