How to End Special Treatment for Politicians and Restore True Democracy

By Yusuf Habiib Hussein (Seer) While the very notion of democracy is supposedly premised on the idea of the people deciding upon their future, there are many ways in which special treatment accorded to politicians undermines this democratic process in real terms. Special treatment accorded to politicians refers to the condition whereby political leaders enjoy exclusive treatment in matters of public policy and decisions over and above members of the general public. This may include privileged access to information, financial resources, and the ability to control decisions without public input. Special treatment accorded to politicians often leads to policies designed for selective benefit, usually at cross-purposes with the people's will. This can be mirrored in the various instances where the politicians have continuously proven that they decide on behalf of themselves and not in the interest of the public. Most of the time, this is evidenced by the fact that the voice of the pu...