There was a character in the history of Italy called Cola de Rienzo. He was a knowledgeable and eloquent person. He mesmerized all of Italy one time and everyone followed him. They chased the Barons out of Rome, and Cola was made the head of the country. Soon people got tired of his vanity, boastfulness and transgressions. People rebelled against him and the same mob that gave him the glory, captured him and torn him to pieces. I do not want that fate to happen to Ahmed Samatar. A man that I admired all my life. A great soccer player, a musician, a wonderful journalist and broadcaster and a formidable academician. Years ago I used to criticize Ahmed on his stand of maintaining the union with the south. (Read my article. Thousand Questions to Prof Ahmed Samater) . Now that is past and Ahmed is back to Somaliland , I welcome him again to the family and congratulate him on the superb job he is doing in soldiering for Somaliland and joining many others before him in the lines o...
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