
Saluting the Brave Women of Somaliland

 By: Yusuf Habiib Hussein (Seer) Women around the world often remain the silent architects of societies, the bedrock upon which civilizations are built and sustained. As the saying goes, "A woman is the future of a nation," which educationally points to the undeniably truthful fact that women are not just participants in the progress of a nation but are the very vision that drives it forward. A fact, indeed undeniable, even in Somaliland, which, though fragile, has been determined by fearlessness and strength instilled in it by its women. The search by Somaliland for peace and self-government is a story of persistence, will, and unbridled bravery. The women of Somaliland are at the core of this process-heroes during and after the civil war. It was the women who kept society together while the conflict was at its worst, tending to the wounded, feeding the starving, and offering shelter to the displaced.  These women have often received less attention from the annals of histo

Article review By: Yusuf Habiib Hussein (Seer)

  Ethiopia-Somaliland Deal: Somaliland’s Pathway to International Recognition Dr. Mohamed Farah Hesi Academy for Peace and Development     Introduction of the Article Pathway to International Recognition" discusses a landmark MoU signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland on January 1, 2024. The memorandum allows Ethiopia to access the sea by leasing 20 kilometers from Somaliland while, in return, designating that it will recognize Somaliland and give the country a stake in Ethiopian Airlines. This development has far-reaching implications for the geopolitics of the Horn of Africa and changes the course of Ethiopia's foreign policy toward Somalia. It marked a turning point for both Ethiopia and Somaliland. For Ethiopia, it is supposed to presage the fulfillment of its long-cherished strategic goal of gaining access to the sea. In formally recognizing Somaliland, Ethiopia gives word of a new hierarchy of foreign policy preoccupations in which its own interests and those of So

Why Somalia is Apprehensive about the Idea of Somaliland Getting Recognised

By: Yusuf Habiib Hussien  The Fractured Union: Setting a Historical Context The story of Somaliland and Somalia falls within the general context of colonialism in the Horn of Africa. Somaliland, formerly a protectorate of the British, and Somalia, formerly under Italian rule, united under high hopes in 1960 as one Somali Republic. That union, in fact, was actually laid on very weak foundations. Soon, sharp differences along the political, social, and economic dimensions between the two regions began to emerge, with tensions rising. Somaliland was the peripheral power in this union, and through that came growing disgruntlement. The further desolation under the ruthless rule of Siad Barre worsened, conditions - his forces totally cracked down on northern Somaliland. Horrific violence characterizing the 1980s included the Bombing of Somaliland's capital Hargeisa by the forces of Barre. This gruesome act increased the urge of Somaliland for independence, and so after the fall of Barr

The Brave Story of Somaliland's Independence

By: Yusuf Habiib Hussein (Seer) In  the  regions  of  the  Horn  of  Africa ,  toward the close of the 20th century, evolved one such saga of resilience and gallantry that gave birth to a nation called Somaliland. Many independence movements arose through people who wanted freedom through negotiation or gradual political reform. The sovereignty struggle for Somaliland was hammered out on the anvil of armed struggle, led by the Somali National Movement (SNM), braced with the unbending will of its people. Courage of the SNM: The SNM was founded in 1981 as the vanguard of the then-struggle against the naked dictatorship of Siad Barre's regime in Somalia. The regime, rather infamous for its ruthless quelling of dissent and general marginalization of the northern regions, had specially reserved its repressive machinery for the Isaaq clan, which represented the SNM's backbone. Members of the movement included former military officers, intellectuals, and ordinary citizens who are ab

How Somaliland's Leaders Can Unite or Divide the Country

By: Yusuf Habiib Hussein (Seer) There is a high possibility that the kind of discourse among the people of Somaliland, will mirror the tapestry of views, priorities, and challenges that shape the national landscape. Imagine a scenario where three distinct groups are engaged in conversations that, at first glance, seem to diverge very far in focus and intentions. Now the first group focuses its energy on discussing projects, economic growth, national development. The second, the one which seamlessly flows into the dynamics of elections and change in politics, is the group that honestly believes that if their party wins, great transformation will come. And the third one, on defense: discussing how to defend the homes from threat, procure weapons, and fund some self-defense-resistant army for their clan. The role of a great leader can, out of such divergent discourse, put these seemingly divergent groups together toward a shared aspiration for a cohesive national vision embracing developm

Introducing the Ecotourism Potential of Somaliland

By: Yusuf Habiib Hussein (Seer) Are you searching for the next hidden gem in world travel? Come across Somaliland, an opportunity that is yet to be realized in tourism. From dramatic landscapes and diversified ecosystems to rich cultural heritаge, the country basks in its off-the-beaten path dеstination—a paradisе for the intrepid in sеarch of a truly uniquе еxpеriеncе. So, what exactly is ecotourism? It's a trendy word for responsible travel that respects the conservation of natural environments and the well-being of local cultures. Now, Somaliland can be the perfect place to uphold this concept. With a wide range of attractions, be it from pristine beaches to vibrant national parks, Somaliland is just an ideal setup for ecotourism initiatives. Additionally, the ecotourism in Somaliland would do well for both the environment and the people through sustainable practices and engaging with local communities. Natural Attractions and Biodiversity in Somaliland Somaliland is a country o

Rеbuilding from Ashеs: How Somaliland is rebuilding its economic rеsilience.

Rеbuilding from Ashеs: How Somaliland is rebuilding its economic rеsilience.