Rothschild Zionist and Israel apologist Kerry claims moral high ground for the most trigger-happy, war-mongering, people-killing government on Earth in laughable, C-movie speech that puts mere mendacity to shame

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Facts are lies and lies are facts.

This may be of some help if you listen to this crap ...

The bare-faced hypocrisy takes the breath away ... the moral high ground??

So where are America's chemical and biological weapons stored Mr Kerry and where are Israel's?

What about the chemical weapons that America used in Iraq and what about the white phosphorous that Israel used against the Palestinians?

'I seem to be having trouble with my earphones ... did you say where are Syria's chemical and biological weapons?'

Moral Obscenity: Toxic background to US chemical 'high ground'

Colin Powell says Kerry is right to go to war by lying about the evidence - after all, he did

'Saddam has a chemical weapons factory on Mars, Jupiter and in the garden shed at number 3, Leafy Lane, Berkhamsted.'
'This is how much bullshit we needed to fool the people last time, but now I think we are gonna need a bucket load.'


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