Should We Fall Again for ‘Trust Me’?
By Ray McGovern
September 03, 2013 - In a dazzling display of chutzpah, the White House is demanding that Congress demonstrate blind trust in a U.S. intelligence establishment headed by James Clapper, a self-confessed perjurer.
That’s a lot to ask in seeking approval for a military attack on Syria, a country posing no credible threat to the United States. But with the help of the same corporate media that cheer-led us into war with Iraq, the administration has already largely succeeded in turning public discussion into one that assumes the accuracy of both the intelligence on the apparent Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack in Syria and President Barack Obama’s far-fetched claim that Syria is somehow a threat to the United States.
September 03, 2013 - In a dazzling display of chutzpah, the White House is demanding that Congress demonstrate blind trust in a U.S. intelligence establishment headed by James Clapper, a self-confessed perjurer.
That’s a lot to ask in seeking approval for a military attack on Syria, a country posing no credible threat to the United States. But with the help of the same corporate media that cheer-led us into war with Iraq, the administration has already largely succeeded in turning public discussion into one that assumes the accuracy of both the intelligence on the apparent Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack in Syria and President Barack Obama’s far-fetched claim that Syria is somehow a threat to the United States.
Here we go
again with the old political gamesmanship over ”facts” as a
prelude to war, a replay of intelligence trickery from Vietnam’s
Gulf of Tonkin to Iraq’s nonexistent WMD. Once more, White House
officials are mounting a full-court press in
Congress, hoping
there will be enough ball turnovers to enable the administration
to pull out a victory, with the corporate media acting as
hometown referees.
And in the
weekend talk shows, Secretary of State John Kerry, team
co-captain in this transparent effort to tilt the playing field,
certainly had his game face on. Kerry left little doubt that he
KNOWS that the Syrian government is guilty of launching a
chemical weapons attack on suburbs of Damascus on Aug. 21. How
do we know he knows? Simple: It’s “Trust me” once again.
Did you
not watch Kerry’s bravura performance before the TV cameras on
Friday when he hawked the dubious evidence against the Syrian
government? Someone should tell Kerry that using the word “know”
35 times does not suffice to dispel well-founded doubts and
continuing ambiguities about the “intelligence,” such as it is.
The administration’s white paper, issued to support Kerry’s
“knowledge,” didn’t provide a single verifiable fact that
established Syrian government guilt. [See’s “A
Dodgy Dossier on Syrian War.”]
But with
his bravado, Kerry’s ploy was obvious – to sweep aside serious
questions about the evidence and move the discussion simply to
one of how much punishment should be inflicted on Syria. “So now
that we know what we know, the question … is: What will we do?”
Kerry said Friday.
But, Mr.
Kerry, please not so fast with your attempt to do an Iraq War
number on us. Frankly, asking us to simply trust you (especially
after your 2002 vote for President George W. Bush’s Iraq War
resolution) is too much to ask. Given the disease of
prevarication circulating like a virus among top intelligence
officials, one would have to have been “born yesterday” (to use
one of Harry Truman’s expressions) to take you at your word.
And, there
are hopeful signs that Congress, which has been fooled more than
once before, may see through this latest rush to judgment. “Yes,
I saw the classified documents,” Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas,
told The Hill newspaper. “They were pretty thin.”
lawmakers are even stating another obvious point; i.e., that
even with congressional approval, a military strike on Syria
would be not only an international crime, but also
unconstitutional because of the Constitution’s supremacy clause
making treaties the supreme law of the land.
Under the
United Nations Treaty, signatories like the U.S. pledge not to
use – or even threaten to use – military force against another
nation without U.N. Security Council approval or unless already
attacked or in imminent danger of attack. None of those
conditions apply here.
So, even
if the “intelligence” against Syria were air-tight (which it
isn’t) and if Congress approves a use-of-force resolution, the
U.S. Constitution still requires that we abide by the U.N.
Treaty and obtain Security Council approval. How can lawyers
like Obama and Kerry ignore such basics?
There are
also other options for punishing Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad if there’s real evidence that he was complicit in the
Aug. 21 attack. Like other leaders accused of war crimes, he can
be indicted by the International Criminal Court or subjected to
a special war-crimes tribunal. Yet, instead of following those
legal strategies, which are specifically designed for these
sorts of situations, President Obama proposes punishing one
alleged war crime by committing another.
Intelligence? A Sow’s Ear
But there
remains the key question of establishing the Assad government’s
guilt and whether the Obama administration’s “high-confidence”
assessment about that point is justified. It is a time-honored
(or, better, time-dishonored) custom for White House officials
bent on war to distort or even manufacture “intelligence” to
justify their aims, especially after they’ve gone public with
their “knowledge.”
On this
point, I can say – “with high confidence” – that the White House
is at it again, perpetrating another fraud on Congress and the
American people. And most of the U.S. mainstream press
has elbowed past the many questions about the quality of the
intelligence and has moved on to discussing whether President
Obama will “win” or “lose” the congressional
vote, whether partisanship will spill over into foreign policy
America’s “credibility” to look tough.
Was it
just a little over a decade ago that we watched President George
W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney create out of whole cloth
intelligence to “justify” war on Iraq while the U.S. press corps
mostly acted as stenographers and cheerleaders? Mistakes are
forgivable; fraud is not; neither is cowardice in the face of a
misguided rush to war. And the fact that not a single senior
Bush administration official was held accountable compounds the
Since many
Americans, malnourished as they are by the corporate media, need
to be reminded, let’s say it again: The pre-Iraq “intelligence”
was not mistaken; it was fraudulent. And, sad to say, then-CIA
Director George Tenet and his malleable managers were willing
accomplices in that fraud. You need not take my word for it.
Just five
years ago, in June 2008, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Jay
Rockefeller, D-West Virginia, announced the conclusions of a
five-year committee investigation into pre-Iraq War intelligence
approved by a bipartisan majority of 10-5 (Republican Senators
Chuck Hagel and Olympia Snowe voting with the Democratic
Emphasizing the committee’s conclusion that the Bush
administration made significant claims that were not supported
by the intelligence, Rockefeller declared, “In making the case
for war, the Administration repeatedly presented intelligence as
fact when in reality it was unsubstantiated, contradicted, or
even non-existent.”
Pressure on Intelligence
My former
CIA analyst colleague, Paul R. Pillar, who, as National
Intelligence Officer for the Middle East before the attack on
Iraq, experienced up-front and personal the extreme pressure
that intelligence analysts feel when a president has decided to
make war, addressed this problem recently in “The
Risk of Distorting Intelligence.” Pillar pointed out that an
Associated Press story on the Obama administration’s preparation
of the public for a military strike on Syria included these
“The White
House ideally wants intelligence that links the attack [with
chemical weapons] directly to Assad or someone in his inner
circle, to rule out the possibility that a rogue element of the
military act[ed] without Assad’s authorization. That quest for
added intelligence has delayed the release of the report by the
Office of the Director for National Intelligence laying out
evidence against Assad. … The CIA and the Pentagon have been
working to gather more human intelligence tying Assad to the
adds, “When one hears that policy-makers want not just
intelligence on a particular subject but intelligence that
supports a particular conclusion about that subject, antennae
ought to go up. A ‘quest’ for conclusion-bolstering material is
fundamentally different from an open-minded use of intelligence
to inform policy decisions yet to be made. It is instead a
matter of making a public (and Congressional) case to support a
decision already made.”
This was
the kind of highly politicized “policy kitchen” in which
intelligence analysts and other officials were pressured to
serve as cooks whipping up the frothy broth labeled “Government
Assessment of the Syrian Government’s Use of Chemical Weapons,”
lauded by Secretary of State Kerry on Friday. The manner in
which it was issued shows it to be a “policy statement,” NOT an
“intelligence summary,” as widely described in the media. And,
clearly, there were too many cooks involved.
contrast to key past issuances of similarly high political
sensitivity, the “Government Assessment” released on Friday does
not appear under the letterhead of the Director of National
Intelligence as was the case, for example, with
the official statement issued on Sept. 28, 2012, “on the
intelligence related to the terrorist attack on the U.S.
Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.”
This break
in customary practice may have been simply a function of
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper being in such
bad odor among those lawmakers who still care about
truth. Clapper has confessed to telling Congress, under oath,
“clearly erroneous” things about the National Security Agency’s
surveillance abuses.
Thus, the
administration runs some risk in trotting out Clapper this week
to testify before the intelligence and national security
committees of Congress. Perhaps the White House has decided it
has to rely on Clapper’s demonstrated gift for lying with a
straight face (though sweaty pate); or it may be counting on
short-term memory loss on the part of the many superannuated
and/or distracted members of Congress.
Clapper’s Record
before Obama appointed him Director of National Intelligence
three years ago, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper showed
himself to be a subscriber to the George Tenet doctrine of
compliant malleability, having helped Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld falsify the intelligence on weapons of mass destruction
in Iraq. Did no one tell Obama about Clapper’s key role in the
cooking of intelligence before the Iraq War?
handpicked Clapper to be the first civilian director of the
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), where he served
during the crucial period of September 2001 to June 2006. NGA’s
responsibilities included analysis of satellite imagery – the
most capable and likely collection resource to discover weapons
of mass destruction facilities in Iraq or to verify Iraqi
“defector” reports of hidden WMD caches.
So why
didn’t NGA point out the absence of WMD evidence or note the
many discrepancies in the stories being told by the “defectors”
– many of whom were coached by the pro-invasion Iraqi National
Congress? The answer: Clapper knew which side his bread was
buttered on. Instead of speaking truth to power, he not only
fell in with the Tenet school of obeisance, but also glommed
onto Donald Rumsfeld’s aphorism: “The absence of evidence is not
evidence of absence.”
for Rumsfeld, Clapper’s job, pure and simple, was to stifle any
untutored-to-the-ways-of-Washington analyst who might ask
unwelcome questions like: Could the reason there is not a trace
of Iraqi WMD in any of the satellite imagery be that there is
none there – and that the Pentagon’s favorite “defectors” are
lying through their teeth?
When no
WMD caches were found, it was Clapper who suggested, without a
shred of evidence, that Saddam Hussein had sent the phantom WMD
to Syria, a theory that also was pushed by neocons both to
deflect criticism of their false assurances about Iraq’s WMD and
to open a new military front against another Israeli nemesis,
Syria. (It appears that time may have finally come.)
On more
substantive issues – like the key one, “why they hate us” –
Clapper has advanced some imaginative theories about what makes
terrorists tick. It’s “self-radicalization,” you see. Clapper
promoted this bedeviling concept while a nominee for the post of
Director of National Intelligence, which he – having played fast
and loose with the truth, aside – still occupies.
At his
nomination hearing Clapper was asked by Sen. Bill Nelson,
D-Florida, about lessons drawn from the investigation of Army
Major Nidal Hasan, the psychiatrist sentenced to death last week
for killing 13 people at Fort Hood. Clapper responded that
“self-radicalization” is a “daunting challenge. … I don’t have
the answer to the challenge; identification of
self-radicalization may not lend itself to detection by
intelligence agencies.
… It’s almost like detecting tendencies
for suicide ahead of time.”
Still Far From a Silk
intelligence community leaders have any pride left, they may
also have been embarrassed by how last Friday’s “Government
Assessment” fit the old bureaucratic image of a camel as the
arch-typical horse designed by committee. Seldom have my
intelligence alumni colleagues and I seen a more meandering,
repetitive, fulsome document. Full of verisimilitude, the
document nonetheless includes this key acknowledgment: “Our high
confidence assessment is the strongest position that the U.S.
Intelligence can take short of confirmation.”
It seems a
safe bet that during the next two weeks’ testimony before the
various national security committees of the Senate and House,
Kerry and Clapper will claim that additional intelligence has
“confirmed” what until now has been simply the “assessments” of
the U.S. government. Let’s hope that lawmakers have the good
sense to ask for actual evidence that can withstand independent
Powell’s meretricious U.N. speech on Feb. 5, 2003, was at least
well crafted and persuasively presented. In a same-day
assessment, we Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
(VIPS) gave him an A for presentation, while almost flunking him
(with a C-minus) for substance. In our
Memorandum for the President that day, we urged that the
discussion be widened beyond the circle of those advisers
clearly bent on a war for which we saw no compelling reason and
from which we believed the unintended consequences were likely
to be catastrophic.
President Obama would let us in the door, we would tell him the
same thing today, since he has surrounded himself with a
menagerie of “tough guys and gals” as well as some neocons and
neocons-lite. Before Kerry went on TV Friday, VIPS had
already warned Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey “there
are serious problems with the provenance and nature of the
‘intelligence’ that is being used to support the need for
military action.”
Those problems remain.
Tonkin Gulf
From my
only personal life experience, there was another good example of
how the prostitution of intelligence works: When the Tonkin Gulf
incident (used to “justify” the Vietnam War) took place 49 years
ago, I was a journeyman CIA analyst in what Condoleezza Rice has
called “the bowels of the agency.” As an intelligence analyst
responsible for Russian policy toward Southeast Asia and China,
I worked very closely with those doing analysis on Vietnam and
At the
time, the U.S. had about 16,000 troops in South Vietnam, but
there was mounting political pressure to dramatically expand the
U.S. troop levels to prevent a Communist victory. President
Lyndon Johnson feared that Republicans would blame him for
“losing Vietnam” the way some tarred Harry Truman for “losing
China.” So the Gulf of Tonkin incident – North Vietnamese
allegedly firing on a U.S. destroyer in international waters –
offered Johnson the chance both to look tough and to get a
congressional carte blanche for a wider war.
Those of
us in intelligence – not to mention President Johnson, Defense
Secretary Robert McNamara and National Security Adviser McGeorge
Bundy – knew full well that the evidence of any North Vietnamese
attack on the evening of Aug. 4, 1964, the so-called “second”
Tonkin Gulf incident, was highly dubious.
But it fit
the President’s purposes. The North Vietnamese could be
presented as aggressors attacking a U.S. ship on a routine
patrol in international waters. To make the scam work, however,
the American people and members of Congress had to be kept in
the dark about the actual facts of the case, all the better to
whip them into a war frenzy.
Only years
later was the fuller story revealed. During the summer of 1964,
President Johnson and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were eager to
widen the war in Vietnam. They stepped up sabotage and
hit-and-run attacks on the coast of North Vietnam. Defense
Secretary McNamara later admitted that he and other senior
leaders had concluded that the seaborne attacks “amounted to
little more than pinpricks” and “were essentially worthless,”
but they continued.
Concurrently, the National Security Agency was ordered to
collect signals intelligence from the North Vietnamese coast on
the Gulf of Tonkin, and the coastal attacks were seen as a
helpful way to get the North Vietnamese to turn on their coastal
radars. The destroyer USS Maddox, carrying electronic spying
gear, was authorized to approach as close as eight miles from
the coast and four miles from offshore islands, some of which
already had been subjected to intense shelling by clandestine
attack boats.
As James
Bamford describes it in Body of Secrets: “The twin
missions of the Maddox were in a sense symbiotic. The vessel’s
primary purpose was to act as a seagoing provocateur — to poke
its sharp gray bow and the American flag as close to the belly
of North Vietnam as possible, in effect shoving its 5-inch
cannons up the nose of the Communist navy. In turn, this
provocation would give the shore batteries an excuse to turn on
as many coastal defense radars, fire control systems, and
communications channels as possible, which could then be
captured by the men … at the radar screens. The more
provocation, the more signals…
Maddox’ mission was made even more provocative by being timed to
coincide with commando raids, creating the impression that the
Maddox was directing those missions and possibly even lobbing
firepower in their support. … North Vietnam also claimed at
least a twelve-mile limit and viewed the Maddox as a trespassing
ship deep within its territorial waters.”
On Aug. 2,
1964, an intercepted message ordered North Vietnamese torpedo
boats to attack the Maddox. The destroyer was alerted and raced
out to sea beyond reach of the torpedoes, three of which were
fired in vain at the destroyer’s stern. The Maddox’s captain
suggested that the rest of his mission be called off, but the
Pentagon refused. And still more commando raids were launched on
Aug. 3, shelling for the first time targets on the mainland, not
just the offshore islands.
Early on
Aug. 4, the Maddox captain cabled his superiors that the North
Vietnamese believed his patrol to be directly involved with the
commando raids and shelling. That evening at 7:15 (Vietnam time)
the Pentagon alerted the Maddox to intercepted messages
indicating that another attack by patrol boats was imminent.
followed was panic and confusion. There was a score of reports
of torpedo and other hostile attacks, but no damage and growing
uncertainty as to whether any attack actually took place.
McNamara was told that “freak radar echoes” were misinterpreted
by “young fellows” manning the sonar, who were “apt to say any
noise is a torpedo.”
This did
not prevent McNamara from testifying to Congress two days later
that there was “unequivocal proof” of a new attack. And based
largely on that, Congress passed the Tonkin Gulf resolution
allowing Johnson to escalate the war with intense aerial
bombardments and the dispatch of more than a half million U.S.
troops, 58,000 who would die along with estimates of several
million Vietnamese and other people of Indochina.
Meanwhile, in ‘the Bowels’
by the afternoon of Aug. 4, 1964, the CIA’s expert analyst on
North Vietnam (let’s call him “Tom”) had concluded that probably
no one had fired on the U.S. ships. He included a paragraph to
that effect in the item he wrote for the Current
Intelligence Bulletin, which would be wired to the White
House and other key agencies and appear in print the next
And then
something unique happened. The Director of the Office of Current
Intelligence, a very senior officer whom Tom had never before
seen, descended into the bowels of the agency to order the
paragraph deleted. He explained: “We’re not going to tell LBJ
that now. He has already decided to bomb North Vietnam. We have
to keep our lines open to the White House.”
later bemoaned — quite rightly: “What do we need open lines for,
if we’re not going to use them, and use them to tell the truth?”
The late
Ray S. Cline, who as Deputy Director for Intelligence was the
current-intelligence director’s boss at the time of the Tonkin
Gulf incident, said he was “very sure” that no attack took place
on Aug. 4. He suggested that McNamara had shown the President
unevaluated signals intelligence that referred to the (real)
earlier attack on Aug. 2 rather than the non-event on the 4th.
There was no sign of remorse on Cline’s part that he didn’t step
in and make sure the President was told the truth.
Though we
in the bowels of the agency knew there was no Aug. 4 attack –
and so did some of our superiors – everyone also knew, as did
McNamara, that President Johnson was lusting for a pretext to
strike the North and escalate the war. And, like B’rer Rabbit,
nobody said nothin’.
Let’s hope
that, this time on Syria, at least one or two senior
intelligence or policy officials will find a way to get the
truth out – heeding their own conscience and oath to support and
defend the Constitution – rather than succumb to the
ever-present temptation to give priority to being part of the
President’s “team.”
Ray McGovern works for
Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the
Saviour in inner-city Washington. He served in CIA from the
administrations of John F. Kennedy to that of George H. W. Bush,
including as drafter and briefer of the President’s Daily Brief
under Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Reagan. He is co-founder of
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).
This article was originally published at
Consortium News
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