Putin's Own Goal
The Invasion of Crimea and Putin's Political Future
Graffiti in Moscow, March 3, 2012. (Pawel Kopczynski / Courtesy Reuters)
Russian President Vladimir
Putin’s startling military takeover of Crimea in response to the
February revolution in Kiev left Western leaders scrambling.
Internationally, Putin seems the master grand strategist, just as he had
after his successful effort in September 2013 to head off potential
aerial strikes on Syria. At home, he appears equally in command, having
ruled Russia for the last 15 years, with another ten years a distinct
possibility. It would be a mistake, however, to overestimate Putin or
Russia -- or to underestimate how badly his gambit in Ukraine could turn
out for him. Finding a way out of this crisis requires an understanding
both of why Putin instigated it and of how it will affect his rule.
Putin’s thinking was on display in a March 4 press conference, his
first public statement since the Crimea crisis began. He referred to the
events in Kiev not as a revolution but as “an anticonstitutional coup
and armed seizure of power,” calling the current authorities in Kiev
“illegitimate.” He blamed the West for interference in Ukraine, drawing a
comparison to “America employees of some laboratory … conducting
experiments like on rats, not understanding the consequences of what
they are doing.” And he denied that Russia had deployed forces in
Crimea, but reserved the right to do so (and not only in Crimea) to
protect the local population. Several Western journalists immediately asked whether Putin had lost his mind.
Putin’s statements, however, were neither new nor crazy, although
obviously one-sided and, to Western ears, occasionally bizarre. (The
claim about “local self-defense forces” not being Russian soldiers was,
to put it mildly, inconsistent with other reports.) Rather, they were
the product of a worldview fairly widely shared among the Russian
political elite, who believe that the West is out to get them. At any
rate, the main audience for Putin’s statements was not Westerners but
Russians, whom Putin would like to convince of the West’s nefarious
ends. Putin sees the Ukrainian revolution not simply as a geostrategic
defeat for Russia but one th Georgian Rose Revolution and the 2004
Ukrainian Orange Revolution through this lens. And that view was further
reinforced in 2008 when NATO committed to eventual membership for
Georgia and Ukraine.
Worse, Putin and his circle believe that the West has every intention
of infecting Russia with what pro-Putin commentators call the “Orange
plague,” referring to the 2004 Ukrainian Revolution. Putin believes his
domestic opponents are part of the same conspiracy to weaken Russia; in
November 2007, he told supporters that “those who oppose us…need a weak, sick state,”
accusing them of being “jackals” scavenging for foreign support.
Putin’s fears were seemingly confirmed when large public protests broke
out in Moscow after falsified parliamentary elections in December 2011.
When Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Secretary of State at the time,
criticized the conduct of the elections, Putin stated that opposition
leaders “heard the signal and with the support of the U.S. State
Department began active work." In June 2013, Putin again complained
about Western double standards and interference, maintaining that the
U.S. diplomatic mission “works together [with] and directly supports the
Russian opposition.” Accordingly, over the last several years, he has
worked to limit foreign influence in Russia, including by prohibiting
the U.S. Agency for International Development from operating inside the
Although it would be easy to dismiss Putin’s suspicions about
nefarious Western intentions as propaganda for domestic consumption
only, this vision has been articulated too often (including in
unscripted settings) by too many Russian elites for too many years to
ignore. What the United States sees as democracy promotion Putin sees as
encouragement for regime change. On one level, he is right; if Russia
had a more open political system, his ability to keep power might be
In the face of this perceived threat, Putin’s central goal is not to
re-create the Soviet Union, although his proposed Eurasian Economic
Union is a step in that direction, but to hang on to power at home.
Accentuating the threat from the West -- and the costs of revolution in
Ukraine -- are signals to all Russians about the importance of internal
stability (and thus the continuation of the current political system,
with Putin at its top). He went out of his way in his March 4 press
conference to stress the much higher standard of living in Russia
compared to Ukraine, and maintained that if the Ukrainian state had been
“strong, self-confident, and stable” then chaos would have been
The Ukrainian revolution is particularly troublesome for Putin
because it comes at a time of growing concern about the fragility of the
Russian political and economic system, and the Ukrainians’ complaints
about their regime -- dissatisfaction with a corrupt kleptocracy based
on close links between ruling elites and economic oligarchs provided
fuel to the revolution -- are echoed in Russia. Some of Putin’s closest
acquaintances from his St. Petersburg past have grown fabulously
wealthy, and many of these same people profited handsomely from
contracts for the Sochi Olympics. The Russian opposition leader Alexi
Navalny’s meme about how the ruling United Russia party is the “party of
swindlers and thieves” was one of the most effective opposition slogans
during the 2011–2012 protests.
Russia’s domestic outlook is also considerably less rosy than it was
in 2008, when Russian troops went into Georgia, and elite confidence in
the Kremlin is consequently weaker. In 2008, Putin’s popularity ratings
were at an all-time high (over 80 percent), Russia had experienced eight
years of sustained economic growth of roughly seven percent a year, and
world oil prices had temporarily shot to over $140 per barrel (although
the average for the whole year was slightly less than $100 per barrel).
Today, Putin is still popular (over 60 percent approval ratings), but
the economic outlook is very different. Growth in 2013 was a mere 1.4
percent, and this at a time when the price of oil has remained over $100
per barrel for three years straight. Oil and gas revenues account for
over half of Russian budget receipts, but it now takes world oil prices
of around $110–115 per barrel to balance the budget, compared to $20 per
barrel in 2005. Further, the Russian state-controlled energy giants of
Rosneft (oil) and Gazprom (gas) have been slow to keep up with revolutionary changes in world energy production and transportation, such as hydrofracking and liquid natural gas.
Russian elites are increasingly concerned
that Russia’s economic stagnation is not temporary but systemic, a
product of accumulated problems and inefficiencies. Last year, the
Ministry of Economic Development downgraded its long-range economic
growth projections from annual increases of 4.3 to 2.5 percent, well
below the rates to which Russia had grown accustomed in the 2000s.
Productivity and investment remain low, and human capital spending
(spending on education and health care) suffers at the expense of higher salaries for state officials and an ambitious defense buildup,
which has been marked by corruption, cost overruns, and unrealistic
targets. Russia is economically uncompetitive with developed economies,
which have innovative and productive work forces, and poorer countries,
which have lower wages and competitive manufacturing industries, and
thus more dependent than ever on oil and gas exports.
The consensus view among most Russian economists, and a view endorsed
both by Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, is that Russia needs
institutional reforms to encourage investment, reduce capital flight,
and modernize and diversify the economy. But “institutional reform” is
simply code for a stronger rule of law, less corruption, and more robust
protection of private property rights. All of these changes are
unlikely absent broader political reforms that increase accountability,
transparency, and competition -- in other words, a total reversal of
Russian politics since Putin came to power.
Finally, the image of Putin as Russia’s unrivaled strongman is at
best an oversimplification. The current Russian regime is not a monolith
but a fractious group of competing oligarchs, clans, and temporary
alliances. The security elites (the so-called siloviki) who
surround Putin may agree that the West is a threat and that Russia needs
to restrict domestic opposition in the name of stability, but they are
also often at odds with each other, especially when there are bribes to
be extorted. Just last week, a turf dispute between the Federal Security
Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs led to recriminations,
dismissals, and arrests. Meanwhile, the prosecutor’s office has been
locked in bitter conflict with the Investigative Committee for several
years. Putin’s Russia is more a disordered police state than a well-ordered one.
The Economist presciently observed
in early February that “the danger for the world is that a weaker Mr.
Putin may be a more aggressive one, in Ukraine and elsewhere.” Indeed,
even if we accept that Putin blames the West for the Ukraine crisis, his
Crimean démarche seems both emotional and dangerously provocative.
Certainly, understanding Putin’s worldview and the real problems and
challenges facing his regime does not excuse Russian actions in Crimea,
but it does provide a better standpoint from which to end the crisis
than a framework emphasizing alleged innate Russian characteristics or
overemphasizing the Russian challenge.
A good start would be to avoid as much as possible a zero-sum framing
of the Ukraine crisis, in which a victory for Russia is a loss for the
West, and vice versa. Economic sanctions targeted on the Russian
political and economic elite, along the lines being proposed by the
United States, are much more likely to have a positive effect than
confrontational steps, especially military ones, that will simply
confirm for Putin that he is right about the West’s real and nefarious
intentions. Recent proposals to provide Putin an “off ramp” by brokering
a diplomatic agreement for Russia to pull back its troops while
international monitors come in to prevent human rights violations are
smart. The West should also push Kiev to clean up its act and
legitimize itself, not only through new elections but also with efforts
to reach out to politicians from Ukraine’s south and east that were
previously allied with Yanukovych. That would undercut Putin’s stated
concern about the illegitimacy of the new government and about the need
for a “humanitarian mission” to defend Ukrainian citizens. A commitment
by Ukraine’s current leaders to honor the Russian Black Sea Fleet basing
agreement and not push for NATO membership would also help.
There may still be some space to defuse the Crimean crisis.
Unfortunately, the March 6 fast-tracking of a Crimean referendum on
unification with Russia, if Putin is behind it, suggests that he decided
to speed right past the “off ramp” and head straight for formal
annexation. In that case, the prospects for positive-sum outcomes will
have shrunk considerably. If Russia does formally annex Crimea, the
United States and Europe should go ahead with sanctions, in order to hit Russian elites in their pocketbooks.
In the medium term, the United States should help Central and Eastern
European governments to diversify their energy supplies, away from their
dependence on Russian gas.
Finally, annexation and its inevitable consequences of sanctions and
isolation for Russia would probably also mean a further strengthening of
the fortress mentality that is already dominant among Putin’s circle.
He might choose to tighten the screws domestically even more. Such steps
would not, however, create either the economic prosperity or the
political stability that Putin desires and which ordinary Russians
Source: foreignaffairs.com
Source: foreignaffairs.com
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