Wide gulf between Somalia’s leader and UNSOM’s Head

Thursday, March 27, 2014
The post transitional Somali leaders elected in 2012 were entrusted with the special duty to lead a full-fledged state of Somalia with its sovereignty, unity, economic recovery, security, and institutional capacity restored and to conduct a free and fair national political election in 2016. Despite the ongoing armed conflict and social and political fragmentation in the country, many Somalis wanted to believe in the possibility of realizing these clearly remote goals because of new international approach for supporting the failed states like Somalia. The diplomatic recognition of the United States was special a special opportunity to seize it.
However, the fulfillment of statebuilding
and political election in 2016 has immediately become an impossible
dream for the convergence of at least four factors: 1. The hostile
actions of Kenya and Ethiopia to practically deprive the federal
government of leadership and relevance role in Somalia; 2. The federal
government’s incapacity to own and implement a national coherent policy
tailored to the new era of statebuilding, reconciliation, international
relations and governance; 3. President Hassan’s inability to shake off
the pervasive perception of belonging to or depending on a self-centered
group with sinister agenda; 4. The duplicity and empty commitments of
the international community of photo-ops and conferences without
substantive and timely direct support.
factors and other events like the violent attacks of Al Shabab on
important institutions in Mogadishu, the fallout between President
Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and former Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon, the
publication of the damning resignation letter of former Governor of the
Central Bank of Somalia Madam Yussur Abrar, and frequent fruitless
foreign travels, fed negative reports in the international media against
the federal government. Reuters and other newspapers published articles
accusing the federal government of corruption and internal paralysis.
The influential magazine- the Economist described the ongoing AMISOM
offensive against Al Shabab as a sideshow and suggested that president
Hassan once popular with donors has lost his aura.
the federal government seems unconcerned about the adverse effects of
the unfavorable comments coming from different quarters including from
its strongest supporter- the United States. But, the federal government
should engage the Somali people with vision, openness, conviction,
consistency, and respect of democratic values enshrined in the
Provisional Constitution in order to gain respect and confidence both
inside and outside.
High Level Partnership Forum (HLPF)
negative assessments have emboldened the hands of the representatives
of the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU), and Inter-Governmental
Authority on Development (IGAD) in Somalia to the point of extorting the
sovereignty from the Somali government and imposing arbitrary clan
based federation which has inflamed new tensions throughout the country.
The extortion of sovereignty occurred when the Special Representative
of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) (preferably called UN Administrator)
Ambassador Nicolas Kay became the co-chair with President Hassan Sheikh
Mohamud at the High Level Partnership Forum (HLPF) on the implementation
of the New Deal predicated on the respect of the sovereignty,
territorial integrity, and independence of Somalia. HLPF is another
layer of super- structure created to confuse the Somali society and
institutions. HLPF held in Mogadishu on Feb 24, 2014 was organized by
AMISOM, a move itself an anomaly because AMISOM competes to get a lion
share of the foreign assistance earmarked to Somalia.
Speeches of Ambassador Nicolas Kay and President Hassan at HLPF
indicate the wide gulf between the two unequal partners. In face of UN
extortion, the federal government surrendered cowardly the sovereignty
and leadership of Somalia.
According to Press Release signed by the presidential spokesman Eng Yarisow, President Hassan focused on four points: 1.
He downplayed the impact of the attack on Villa Somalia and
characterized it as an occasional act of terrorism designed to fool
others; 2. he touted the progress made in
the past two years; 3. He countered the report of Somalia and Eritrea
UN Monitoring Group on the diversion of weapons and ammunitions; 4.
finally, he announced the establishment of Financial Governance
Committee and asked the donors
to act and deliver the 2.4 billion dollar pledges made at the New Deal
conference in Brussels on 16 September 2013.
contrast, the prepared remarks of the “UN Administrator” Nicolas Kay
posted on UNSOM website stressed the following points: 1. That
the federal government runs out of time for the implementation of many
key tasks like completing the constitution, forming federal states, and
implementing political democratization; 2. That the Federal Government has to act without delay on the UN report that outlines the
steps needed to take for holding the 2016 election -like the
establishment of the election management bodies; 3. That the
establishment of the Financial Governance Committee is welcomed but has
to be examined later; 4. That Puntland and Jubbaland should be
considered as de facto federal states and given a prominent role within
the Somali Compact and its bodies; President Uhuru of Kenya and PM
Hailemariam Desalegn of Ethiopia welcome the leaders of Puntland and
Jubbaland more warmly than President Hassan of Somalia. 5. That the
federal government should produce a detailed plan on the stabilization
of local administrations before appealing for international assistance.
On March 11, Ambassador Nicolas Kay told the UN Security Council (UNSC) from Mogadishu, “I’m on the ground in Mogadishu and not with you in New York due to the intensity of events at this moment.”
President Hassan, Prime Minister Abdiweli Sh Ahmed and other Ministers
were abroad for personal profile. Mary Harper, BBC veteran, posted
Nicolas Kay’s briefing in her blog with the title “Who runs Somalia? The UN, the Federal Government, or both?”
needs the international support to achieve political stability and
security within its borders, but the present partnership is leading to
nowhere. In difference to the usual flow of international aid from
donor to recipient countries, donors allocate and manage the assistance
to Somalia. This kind of aid management on behalf of Somalia has
created armies of international intermediaries that receive the aid to
Somalia. The role of the Federal Government is a rubber stamp in
exchange for commissions and allowances. Source informed me that the 40
million dollar assistance announced by the Government of Japan during
President Hassan’s visit was transferred to UN months ago.
Discriminatory approach between Jubbaland and Southwestern federal States
strong opposition of AU-IGAD and UN to genuine dialogue among Somali
stakeholders on the issue of federalism has set off the chaotic
formation of clan based entities with difficulty to challenge their
boundaries. In the context of clan competition, the clan claim over land
ownership is more important than regional administrative boundaries.
The Federal Government cannot play a leading role in the implementation
of a hypothetical federal system without legitimate representatives of
the national stakeholders reach unassailable consensus on the suitable
model of governance and then enacted into law.
The operational policy of Ambassador Nicolas Kay which states, “the UN will continue to back the voices of hope, not despair, of opportunity, not crisis” has been translated into “ignore and marginalize the opinion and voice of the majority of the people and empower villain politicians and groups.”
In his briefing to the UNSC on March 11, Ambassador Nicolas Kay said
that the gulf between the six and three regions state rival camps
remains wide but the UN supports the three groups while at the same time
calling for dialogue. UN calls the shot and plants the causes for division and grievances.
and AU-IGAD cannot hide behind a dodgy federal government; and the
abusive show of their envoys in reaction to the popular election of
President Madobe Nuunow of the Southwestern State composed of six
regions, headquartered in Baidoa has been responded courageously and
unanimously by the majority of Digil and Mirifle community.
and UN were not ashamed by forcing the recognition of the unilateral
and self-anointed leadership of militia leader Ahmed Madobe while
ferociously attacking and refusing to recognize the leadership of the
moderate politician Madobe Nuunow. This is blatant discriminatory
approach. It is unfortunate to take note that the umpires over the
dispute between the Southwestern and Jubbaland States are
Ambassador Mohamed Abdi Afey and Eng Mahboub Maalim both of Somali
Kenyan nationals who are Envoy and Executive Secretary of IGAD
respectively. The subtexts of this spectacle have fed gossip among Somalis.
Somali people have endured long struggle for justice, freedom, unity,
democracy, and progress. But the achievement of those noble goals has
remained elusive due in major part to the performance of Somali leaders
and Elite serving their personal ego and foreign interests rather than
being focused on their historic responsibility for the common welfare,
long term interests, and cohesion of their society crippled by
self-destructive clan rivalries. US President Harry S. Truman once said,
““Men make history, and not the other way around. In periods where
there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when
courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for
the better.” The change for success is in hands of Somali Elite and people.
Mohamud Ulusomohamuduluso@gmail.com
Source: https://www.hiiraan.com/op4/2014/mar/53762/wide_gulf_between_somalia_s_leader_and_unsom_s_head.aspx
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