Wide gulf between Somalia’s leader and UNSOM’s Head
by Mohamud Uluso Thursday, March 27, 2014 The post transitional Somali leaders elected in 2012 were entrusted with the special duty to lead a full-fledged state of Somalia with its sovereignty, unity, economic recovery, security, and institutional capacity restored and to conduct a free and fair national political election in 2016. Despite the ongoing armed conflict and social and political fragmentation in the country, many Somalis wanted to believe in the possibility of realizing these clearly remote goals because of new international approach for supporting the failed states like Somalia. The diplomatic recognition of the United States was special a special opportunity to seize it. However, the fulfillment of statebuilding and political election in 2016 has immediately become an impossible dream for the convergence of at least four factors: 1. The hostile actions of Kenya and Ethiopia to practically deprive the federal government of leadership and relevan...